Some products on the market today promote themselves using the research of other companies. It is easy for a company to get a Composition Patent. Basically, submit your "recipe" for your product and you can claim that your product is patented. But what does that really mean to me and you?
Method of Use patents on the other hand, are Very Different. In order to get this type of patent you need to complete double blind studies (using your product), peer reviewed papers, needs to be renewed annually and on an on.

Immunocal has 10 Method of Use patents.
To see the U.S. and Canadian patents, click on the links below.
United States: 5,888,552, 5,451,412, 5,230,902, 5,456,924, 5,290,571, 5,846,939
Canada: 2,142,277 2,090,186 1,333,471 1,338,682
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