Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009

Proses Pembuatan Immunocal

Proses ini telah di patent kan dan hanya Immunotec Inc. yang memiliki teknologi tersebut.
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Glutathione (GSH) dan Peranannya pada Diabetes

Liputan Seminar Kesehatan tentang peranan Glutathione pada penderita DM. Klik gambar untuk memperjelas.

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Perbedaan Immunocal & Colostrum

Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009


70 International "Method of Use" Patents.

Before we look at the actual patents that have been registered for Immunocal, it is critically important to recognize a few factors that set our product apart from ANY OTHER NEUTRACEUTICAL on the market.

You can see that we make specific reference to the fact that the Immunocal Patents are "METHOD OF USE" Patents.
Since most of the population knows what a "PATENT" is, this does not have to be explained.
However, most of the population DOES NOT KNOW what a "Method of Use" Patent is. So, here is the difference;

Just about anything can be patented by anyone, for things like; a new invention, a new way to manufacture something or a new blend of ingredients, all for a particular product that someone has created. These are very good patents for protecting something, so that it cannot be legally reproduced by someone else.

"Method of Use" Patents on the other hand are normally restricted to drugs because they actually state a specific result which has been proven scientifically, with Medical Community Standards of Research needed before they can be registered.

This is what sets Immunotec Research and Immunocal apart from the rest of the products and companies.

This is what allows you to rest assured that you are consuming the BEST PRODUCT available for YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM, guaranteeing YOU that by consuming Immunocal, you are increasing your critical intracellular glutathione.

North & South America





United States

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South Korea


Please CLICK the country flag above to view our Patents
Note: the original patents and research were done in Canada and the USA. You will notice some countries have patented all, while others have chosen to be conservative and only patent either the; Anti-cancer, HIV treatment or Immune Response patents, with the exception of Singapore. More patents will come, we are just getting started internationally...
Immunotec Patents

official documentation

Immunocal Physicians Desk Reference Listing
Immunocal Listing in the U.S. Pharmacists Red Book
Immunocal is eligible for Medicare/Medicaid coverage in the U.S.
Immunocal Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties Listing

Immunocal Medicare/Medicaid Overview

Immunotec Inc. congratulates Dr. Luc Montagnier for winning the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his 1984 discovery, with Françoise Barré–Sinoussi, of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

Nobel_Prize_in_Medicine_2008Drs. Montagnier and Barré-Sinoussi first understood that HIV “impaired the immune system because of massive virus replication and cell damage to lymphocytes.” Their seminal work set the stage for understanding the biology of the disease and current modalities of treatment. In addition, it led to development of methods of diagnosis and blood screening that has mitigated the spread of the disease.

Dr. Montagnier and his colleagues edited Oxidative Stress in Cancer, AIDS, and Neurodegenerative Diseases, devoting an entire chapter to a paper co-authored by Immunotec founding scientist Dr. Gustavo Bounous, entitled;

Nutriceutical Modulation of Glutathione with a Humanized Native Milk Serum Protein Is
olate, Immunocal: Application in AIDS and Cancer,

Immunocal Clinical Trials

The Clinical Trials and Historical Research for Immunocal.

Dr. Gustavo BounousResearch began in 1978 at McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Dr. Gustavo Bounous and his staff at the immunology department, discovered a natural food source that dramatically increased the levels of glutathione in animal tissues and organs.

After the original discovery of the effects of this whey protein supplement, back in 1978 and futher understanding that the whey must remain in it's undenatured, unheated, natural and delicate state, several clinical trials were conducted around the world to investigate the effects of this natural food source, which was eventually named Immunocal, on the immune systems of mammals, including real human studies.

Immunocal Research Articles - Completed Clinical Trials

Competition for glutathione precursors between the immune system and the skeletal muscle:
Pathogenesis of chronic fatigue syndrome
G. Bounous1, J. Molson2
1Former Professor, Department of Surgery, McGill University, and career investigation of the Medical Research Council of Canada
21994 Quebec Cycling Champion, Road and Time Trial

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The use of a whey protein concentrate in the treatment of patients with metastatic carcinoma:
A phase I-II clinical study
Renee S. Kennedy1, George P. Konok1, Gustavo Bounous2, Sylvain Baruchel3, Timothy D. G. Lee4
1Department of Surgery, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia;
2Department of Surgery, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec;
3Department of Pediatrics and Oncology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec;
4Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Whey proteins as a food supplement in HIV-seropositive individuals
Gustavo Bounous, Sylvain Baruchel, Julian Falutz, Phil Gold
Departments of Surgery and Medicine, The Montreal General Hospital and McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
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The biological activity of undenatured dietary whey proteins: role of glutathione
Gustavo Bounous, Phil Gold
Departments of Surgery and Medicine, The Montreal General Hospital Research Institute and McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
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Whey proteins in cancer prevention
G. Bounous1, G. Batist2, P. Gold3
The Montreal General Hospital and McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
1Professor of Surgery, McGill University, and Career Investigator of The Medical Research Council of Canada
2Director, Experimental Therapeutics, Department of Oncology, McGill University
3Chairman, Department of Medicine, McGill University, and Physician-in-Chief, The Montreal General Hospital

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Dietary Milk Proteins Inhibit the Development of Dimethylhydrazine-Induced Malignancy
Robert Papenburg1, Gustavo Bounous1, David Fleiszer1, Phil Gold2
Departments of Surgery1 and Medicine2, The Montreal General Hospital and McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Gustavo Bounous, Francine Gervais, Victor Amer, Gerald Batist and Phil Gold
The Montreal General Hospital Research Institute and McGill University, Departments of Surgery and Medicine
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Gustavo Bounous, Gerald Batist, Phil Gold
The Montreal General Hospital and McGill University, Departments of Surgery and Medicine, Montreal, Quebec
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The Immunoenhancing Property of Dietary Whey Protein Concentrate
Gustavo Bounous, Patricia A. L. Kongshavn, and Phil Gold
The Montreal General Hospital Research Institute, Departments of Surgery, Physiology and Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
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Gustavo Bounous, Robert Patenburg, Patricia A. L. Kongshavn, Phil Gold, and David Fleiszer
Departments of Physiology and Medicine, Montreal General Hospital and McGill University
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Mechanism of Altered B-cell Response Induced by Changes in Dietary Protein Type in Mice
Gustavo Bounous, Nazih Shenouda, Patricia A. L. Kongshavn, and Dennis G. Osmond
Department of Surgery, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada;
Department of Anatomy and Physiology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Differential Effect of Dietary Protein Type on the B-Cell and T-Cell Immune Response in Mice
Gustavo Bounous and Patricia A. L. Kongshavn
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Montreal General Hospital Research Institute and Department of Physiology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Influence of Dietary Protein Type on the Immune System of Mice
Gustavo Bounous, Louise Letourneau and Patricia A. L. Kongshavn
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Montreal General Hospital Research Institute and Department of Physiology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Changes in Biliary Secretory Immunoglobulins A in Mice Fed Whey Proteins
Costantino AM, Balzola F, Bounous G
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Place for an antioxidant therapy in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
S. Baruchel, G. Bounous, P. Gold
McGill University, Department of Pediatrics and Medicine, McGill AIDS Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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Influence of Dietary Proteins on the Immune System of Mice
Gustavo Bounous and Patricia A. L. Kongshavn
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Montreal General Hospital Research Institute and Department of Physiology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Influence of Dietary Lactalbumin Hydrolysate on the Immune System of Mice and Resistance to Salmonellosis
Gustavo Bounous, Mary M. Stevenson, Patricia A. L. Kongshavn
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Montreal General Hospital Research Institute and McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Effect of supplementation with a cysteine donor on muscular performance
L. C. Lands, V. L. Grey and A. A. Smountas
Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Pediatrics and Biochemistry,
McGill University Health Centre-Montreal Childrens Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Treatment of Obstructive Airway Disease With a Cysteine Donor Protein Supplement
Bryce Lothian, MD; Vijaylaxmi Grey, PhD; R. John Kimoff, MD; and Larry C. Lands, MD, PhD
Departments of Pediatrics, Biochemistry and Division of Respiratory Medicine, McGill University Health Centre-Montreal Childrens Hospital
Division of Respiratory Medicine, McGill University Health Centre-Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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A. Watanabe, K. Higuchi, K. Okada, Y. Shimizu, Y. Kondo and H. Kohri
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Toyama, Japan and
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Inc., Nutrition Research Institute, Tokushima, Japan

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Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) and Glutathione Modulation in Cancer Treatment
Gustavo Bounous
Research and Development Department, Immunotec Research Ltd., Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec, Canada
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Enhancing Effect of Patented Whey Protein Isolate (Immunocal) on Cytotoxicity of an Anticancer Drug
Wayne Y. Tsai, Wen-Huei Chang, Ching-Hsein Chen, and Fung-Jou Lu
Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
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Nutriceutical Modulation of Glutathione with a Humanized Native Milk Serum Protein Isolate, ImmunocalTM: Application in AIDS and Cancer
Sylvain Baruchel, Ginette Viau, Rene Olivier, Gustavo Bounous, Mark A. Wainberg
McGill University-Montreal Children's Hospital Research Institute, Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Jewish General Hospital, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal, Quebec, Canada and Pasteur Institute, Paris, France

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The Antioxidant System
Gustavo Bounous and John H. Molson
Research and Development Department, Immunotec Research Ltd., Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec, Canada
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Milk whey protein decreases oxygen free radical production in a murine model of chronic iron-overload cardiomyopathy
Wally J Bartfay, RN, PhD; Matthew T Davis, BNSc MScN(C); Jennifer M Medves, RN PhD; Stan Lugowski, PhD
Faculty of Nursing, University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Department of Biochemistry and Trace Elements Laboratories, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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